68-100%: Afterward, the player transitions into a triple-speed ship sequence with a boss-fight, the boss being a giant laser-shooting gun on the right of the screen.The player then flies into the air, seeing the words 'OUTER SPACE' as they fall into a ship portal at triple-speed. Soon, the player goes into a series of consecutive gravity pads for the build-up. The player soon enters a double-speed portal with a sad face above it, the same as the one at 29%. This section contains simple jump orb timings and the second user coin. 45-68%: The player is enlarged upon entering the second cube section, finding another smiley face like the one at 24%.This entire section features wide-open spaces and harmless slopes that the player can slide on. The same face as the one at the beginning is located at 38%, along with a cat-like face at 43%. The player then enters a mini-portal at 43%, and soon reach a cube portal. 34-45%: The player then enters a normal-speed UFO segment, then at 36%, they are flipped upside down and sent to double-speed, before entering a blue gravity portal and normal-speed at 39%.Then at 29%, the same face can be seen, but sad. 21-34%: Afterward, the player transitions to a double-speed ball segment that features simple timings and a bunch of seemingly random auto sections, after which the player passes a smiley face at 24% similar to the one at 2%.At ~14%, text saying 'VIPRIN IS TRIGGERED' can be seen near the top of the level, as well as the first user coin directly above it. 10-21%: Next, the player transitions into an easy double-speed ship sequence that contains frequent speed-changes and several easy-to-avoid obstacles.At 2% the player passes a face resembling an cube icon in-game. The words 'Fire Gauntlet' and a picture of the Fire Gauntlet symbol can be seen. 0-10%: The level starts with a normal-speed cube section.However, some copies of the level still exist, like one posted on a fake unregistered RobTop account.As of October 31, 2016, the level got deleted after a hacker named Anaban hacked RobTop's account.

This was RobTop's only online level made in Geometry Dash before his editor examples.However, this is just due to the transition effects.It has been rumored that this level contains moving objects at the end when the player completes the level.After the cube, the player will enter a very short and simple ship sequence. It is not very hard but it is very easy to fall onto some of the traps. The player then goes on towards an area with simple jumps and noticeable traps. It starts with some simple and short triple spike jumps. Spike Spike was the third online level ever made, and the first and also one of the only (excluding editor examples) online levels made by Geometry Dash's creator, RobTop himself.

Not to be confused with spike spike spike by Djoxy.